Monday, June 25, 2012

Nature's Beauty

            Throughout this week I learned so many things from my research and the research of others. I believe that nature was the most reoccurring idea in most of the blogs. Jessica reminded me in her blog, “we have lost our connection with nature.” This is a very valid point. We as a culture are so focused on our newfound technology. How many times a day do you see people texting, or listening to an iPod, or watching TV? I am guilty of all of these things. The problem is that we as a society have lost touch of the world around us. This to me is one reason why sustainability has not yet become an everyday factor for the whole of society. We get wrapped up in material things, and don’t always take a breath to admire or protect our world. Nature is therefore being discarded. Kaitlin stated in her blog “sadly our world has gone down a path in which unsustainable practices are demolishing our ecosystems”. This is something that needs to change. We need to look to nature, and treat the world around us in the same way. We need to find ways of reusing the resources we have taken and put them back into different products or materials. We need to be more conservative. Nature doesn’t waste so why do we? Previously, in this century we as a community recycled our resources. Just think of the milkman, he came by to drop off milk every morning, the bottles were returned in the morning, and the milk would be again replaced. This is one thing we need to again grasp: re-using and recycling. Therefore, we need to look to nature, take in its beauty, and focus on ways to protect it. 

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